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How to Add Content in OpenCart

OpenCart is one of the most popular currently used CMSs for online stores. This system is a strong competitor to such CMSs as WordPress, Magento, PrestaShop, and other. As it is gaining more popularity and is being used to create more and more websites, it’s time to compile a detailed step by step manual for content managers and administrators. After reading this document you will easily solve the majority of common content-related tasks. So let’s not waste time and get down to business!


New category creation

  1. Sign in to the admin panel
  2. Authorization
  3. Status panel
  4. New category creation in Opencart
  5. Start of editing
  6. Meta and Title tags in Opencart
  7. Data tab
  8. Additional info about the Data tab
  9. SEO tab in Opencart
  10. Other languages and final steps

New product creation in Opencart

  1. First steps
  2. Status panel
  3. Products page
  4. Start of editing
  5. Meta and Title tags
  6. Data tab
  7. Connections tab
  8. Images tab
  9. SEO tab in Opencart
  10. Other languages and final steps

Editing a Category/Product in Opencart

  1. Changing a category
  2. Editing a product


New category creation

1.Sign in to the admin panel

If you want to be able to start the category creation process in OpenCart, first of all, sign in to the admin panel. To do this, just enter /admin after the name of your website. For example, http://demo-opencart.ru/admin.
This way you can go to the admin page from any other page of the website.Sign in to the admin panel

2. Authorization

On the authorization page, enter your login and password in the appropriate fields and click the Login button. In case you have forgotten your password, follow the link “Forgot your password?” to reset it.Authorization

Authorization - 2

3. Status panel

After the successful authorization in OpenCart, you will see the status panel. This page includes different data about the state of your online store. From here, go to the Catalog page and select Categories.Status panel

Status panel - menu

4. New category creation in opencart

On this page, you can see the list of all existing categories and how they are sorted. Also, here you can select the category you want to change. To start the creation of a new category, click the Add button («+» icon).

5. Start of editing

Now you are on the category editing page. The first tab opened by default is called Main. On this tab, you can choose a language (in our case English). After that, go to the Category field and name your category. The next field is OpenCart text editor where you can insert both text and multimedia. After inserting and editing the text, scroll the page and go to the next fields.Start of editing

6. Meta and title tags in opencart

During this step, you will fill out such important fields as Title, Description, and Keywords. Title is a tag used to indicate the title of a page. It’s extremely important to fill it out correctly. The Description tag is also significant, as its content influences the formation of snippets in search results.Meta and title tags in opencart

7. Data tab

After the previous step is completed go to the top of the page and switch to the Data tab. Use the Parent category field if you need to create a subcategory to the main category, for example, the category “Lenses” can be a subcategory of “Cameras”. If the category you are creating is main, leave this field empty, when necessary, enter filters.Data tab

8. Additional info about the data tab

On this part of the page, you can also change the image of the category (To do this, click the icon near the Category image field and select the image you want). By checking the Main menu box, you will allow the category to be displayed in the main menu. And the last field is Status. It has two options: Enabled means that after you create/edit the article it will appear on the site, and Disabled – the article won’t be displayed.Additional info about the data tab

9. SEO tab in opencart

On the SEO tab, you can enter SEO-URL for different language versions of the page. It is necessary to indicate a correct user-friendly URL.SEO tab in opencart

10. Other languages and final steps

If your site has several language versions, after you edit one of them, you can move to the next language. To do this, select the necessary language on the Main tab and repeat the steps 5 and 6. After that, click the floppy disk icon in the top right corner to save the changes. These are the main things you have to know to set a category in OpenCart.


New product creation in opencart

1. First steps

Now we will take a look at the process of new product creation in Opencart. To start the creation of a new product, first of all, repeat the steps 1-2 from the New category creation section above.

2. Status panel

Upon the successful completion of the authorization, you go to the status panel where the basic information about the website is displayed. From here you open the Catalog menu -> Products and continue the product creation.

Status panel

3. Products page

This page displays the list of all products, their images, names, models, and price. In the top right corner, there is the Add button. Click it and go to the following step.

Products page

4. Start of editing

In this step, you indicate the name of the product in the chosen language version, its description, and meta tags (discussed below). Everything is similar to 4-6 steps from the New category creation section. Start of editing

5. Meta and title tags

During this step, you need to fill out such significant fields as Title and Description. The Keyword field is optional, but if you want, you can write here keywords. In the Product tags field, you indicate words that will be used as tags. It will make finding this and similar products in your online store easier.Meta and title tags

6. Data tab

Having finished the previous step, scroll to the top of the page and go to the Data tab. Enter the information about the model of your product in the Model field, which is the only mandatory field here. After that indicate the data about the particular product in the rest of the necessary fields. Also, make sure to check the status of the product in the Status field. If it is set to Disabled, the product is not published on the site after its creation. If it is Enabled, once you save the product it is shown on the site. Now we are moving to the next step. Data tab

Data tab - 1

Data tab - 2

7. Connections tab

In this step, we set the connections of the product with other website pages. For example, after you fill out the Manufacturer field, OpenCart will link this product to a certain manufacturer. With the help of the Show in categories field, we specify which categories should display our product. At the end of the page, you will see the Recommended products field. Here you can indicate the other products you want to recommend.

Connections tab

Connections tab - 3

8. Images tab

On the next important tab, Images, you will set both the main image of the product and additional images as well as their order. To choose the main image, click the existing image once. An additional menu will appear as in the screenshot below. Choose the editing mode and select one of the existing images or upload a new one.

Images tab

Images tab - 1

Images tab - 2

9. SEO tab in opencart

On the SEO tab, you can indicate SEO-URL for different language versions of the product card. This will allow you to add keywords to the URL and make it user-friendly.

SEO tab in opencart

10. Other languages and final steps

After that you return to the Main tab, choose another language version, and repeat the steps 4-5 the New product creation section. When ready, click the Save icon in the top right corner of the screen. Having completed all the steps you will easily create a new product in OpenCart.


Editing a Category/Product in Opencart

1. Changing a category

To edit a category, sign in to the OpenCart system, go to the Catalog tab -> Categories, choose the category from the list and click the edit icon. In the editing mode, repeat the same steps you did to create the category.

Other languages and final steps

2. Editing a product

To edit a product, first of all, login to the website, go to Catalog -> Products and choose the necessary product from the list. After that, click the Edit button and go through the steps from the Creating new product section to change the information.

Editing a product


Here is the end of our manual on adding content with the help of OpenCart. We have tried to make it as simple and illustrative as possible. In case you have no time to read the article, you can watch a video tutorial on how to properly edit or create categories and products.

Now you can work with this CMS with maximum efficiency. There is no need to learn this manual by heart as you can always return to it and promptly check the necessary section using navigation. We sincerely hope we have managed to address all your main questions about working with OpenCart. Subscribe to our newsletter as there is a lot of interesting waiting ahead!

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2 комментаря(иев)
  1. Артем

    Добрый день. Я так понимаю, что тут описана работа лишь с базовым функционалом. На днях наткнулся на сравнительный анализ базового функционала Опенкарта.
    Правда ли все это нужно для успешного запуска и продвижения интернет магазина ? И можно ли верить такого рода сравнительным таблицам от разработчиков другого продукта horoshop.com.ua/compare/opencart

    • Andriy Chornyy

      Добрый день! Это разные CMS. Opencart это кастомная система, на ней можно делать все что нужно по ТЗ + индивидуальный дизайн. Хорошоп, это готовый продукт для быстрого старта.

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