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Lavazza Coffee

Clear evidence of the extraordinary popularity of Lavazza coffee can be seen in the fact that 80% of Italians start their mornings with a cup of black coffee, and a great many drinks of Lavazza coffee daily. Lavazza coffee is recognized worldwide for exceptional quality, taste, and aroma. Evaluate and buy a massive range of Lavazza coffee options in our online store.

The world-famous brand confidently holds the lion’s share of the market for retail sales of coffee, with 49%, and the company’s factories produce 85,000 tons of coffee per year to meet consumer demand. In 2010, the volume of sales of Lavazza on the world market crossed the 1 billion euro mark, even though the price of high-quality coffee is largely commoditized. It is hard to imagine that this giant modern corporation was once just a small family operation in the Italian city of Turin. The history of their unprecedented success certainly deserves our attention.

One Hundred Years of Excellence

Back in 1895, Luigi Lavazza founded his coffee business. At that time, he and his family could hardly dream his company would achieve success and fame of the magnitude the company has achieved today. However, the real breakthrough came only thirty years later, in 1926, when a wide audience first appreciated Luigi’s experiments of mixing different varieties of coffee. That company, “Lavazza”, was the first to offer consumers the option to buy roasted coffee beans of different types in one package. Other manufacturers, of course, immediately picked this great idea, but not everyone can achieve true perfection in creating excellent coffee mixtures.

The perseverance and hard work of the founder bore fruit – the company expanded rapidly, and Lavazza became increasingly popular, thanks to its unique taste and aroma. The secret of this success is made up of many components:

  • Years of experience transmitted to subsequent generations
  • Preservation of family values ​​and traditions
  • Strict control at all stages of grain processing
  • The combination of grades and the creation of unique blends
  • Special uniform roasting
  • High-quality sealed packaging

A century later, the company continued to set record after record, selling fourteen billion cups of coffee per year and offering the consumer audience in the US more than three hundred kinds of the perfect black beverage. Managing the company today is the third and fourth generation of the Lavazza dynasty, who cooperate with international retail chains (Starbucks and Caribou Coffee), import specially selected coffee beans from the best plantations on the planet, and make sales in more than eighty countries, including in the Indian market.

Incidentally, it should be noted that the pronunciation and spelling of “Lavazza” (which some even mistake by literally reading “zz” in the Lavazza brand name) is incorrect. Italians quite clearly pronounce a “C” at the end of words, so if you try to order Lavazza coffee overseas, you probably will not be understood. However, wherever you are – in New York or other cities – you can’t go wrong with a cup of Lavazza coffee.

Coffee without Borders – Types of Lavazza

Each variety of Lavazza coffee beans is excellent, and each one is unique. Each has different blend percentages of different beans in a single pack. Changes in the proportions of arabica and robusta coffee, as well as the unique features of the roasting beans, allow Lavazza to obtain varieties with radically different characteristics regarding taste and flavor variations.

Lavazza Coffee Beans

  • Pienaroma – designed for those interested in drinking a beverage with low caffeine content, who appreciates an unusual taste with a touch of refined acidity. This embodiment consists of pure arabica and is perfect for preparing a cappuccino or latte.
  • Espresso (Lavazza espresso) – the perfect composition, is intended to prepare a rich Italian espresso taste and aroma, which is essential for real gourmets.
  • Filtro Classic – a blend of Arabica beans collected in African and South American plantations. An unforgettable experience gives a floral aroma and smooth taste with the perfect spicy notes. The drink is designed for cooking only in coffee makers.
  • Super Crema Lavazza (Lavazza Super Crema) – also suitable for espresso because it allows you to dive into the process of preparing an excellent golden crema of moderate density.
  • Top Class Lavazza – coffee from a mixture of arabica beans grown in Brazil and Central America. The drink has a pronounced flavor of chocolate.
  • Crema Gusto – coffee with a clear predominance of robusta beans, allowing you to brew a potent drink with a bright, intense flavor. Coffee Lavazza Crema Gusto has a unique chocolate flavor and an exquisite spicy, creamy taste.
  • Lavazza Club – this is coffee for lovers of the best varieties of arabica from Latin America. Coffee beans roasted with a specific technology give the finished drink an exceptional, unforgettable taste. Lavazza Club – a refreshing and robust coffee, the best option for an energetic start to the day.
  • Crema Aroma – a different coffee, which can be prepared in any way, and does not affect the final result – the coffee will have a consistently mild and delicate flavor. Coffee Lavazza Crema Aroma in Los Angeles is a great beverage to buy, to which you should add milk or cream.

Roasted Lavazza coffee beans are sold in sealed packages, which are responsible for the preservation of the coffee’s aroma and flavor properties.

Lavazza Ground Coffee

  • Lavazza Rossa (Lavazza Rossa) – Coffee made from elite varieties of arabica beans from mature plantations in South America, and robusta beans originally from Africa. The arabica gives the finished drink a certain lightness and elegance, while the robusta gives it a strong, full flavor, with a hint of chocolate. Coffee Lavazza Rossa has a gourmet bitterness and provides a dense creamy foam. Consumers will also be happy with the very reasonable price of the product.
  • Crema e Gusto Forte – a mixture of Brazilian arabica and African robusta. Its high caffeine content distinguishes it. The strong flavor of the beans provides a basis for the preparation of American coffee.
  • Bella Crema – another terrific mixture of Brazilian and American arabica beans. This blend is characterized by its foam and an exceptionally delicate flavor of vanilla and caramel.
  • Qualita Oro (Oro Lavazza) – a striking example of the traditional Italian coffee beans, with a Brazilian arabica medium roast. The finished beverage is characterized by a soft, rich taste with honey and floral notes and an intense, fascinating aroma. The sweet taste of Lavazza Oro coffee is noticed from the first sip and is easily recognizable from other beverages.
  • Lavazza Decaffeinato – light coffee from pure arabica with low caffeine content.

Ground coffee is packed in cans or special vacuum packaging. You can even choose what size your ground coffee is – small, medium or large.

Also, there are individual Lavazza capsules for coffee. Coffee pods have been produced for carob machines. Lemarbet Company is pleased to help you familiarize yourself with the full range of Lavazza offers and allow you to buy Lavazza coffee beans or ground coffee at a reasonable price with delivery in London and other cities. The best and most popular varieties of high-quality Lavazza coffee will show you the verge of perfection in coffee. We can only learn a few secrets on making the most popular beverage in the world.

How to Make a Real Italian Coffee

The secrets of coffee are stored in the mysterious twilight of old Italian coffee, ready to be revealed to the real fans of the black beverage. But Italians can hardly call coffee a simple beverage, as it is much more for them – it encompasses their national tradition and history, which should be treated carefully.

  1. Traditionally brewed coffee is not made with water, but with milk, and then immediately strained into a cup with sugar served separately, which should ideally be fine grain. Try to fill your favorite ground Lavazza coffee in a coffee pot, pour in cold milk, gently bring it to a boil and allow it to sit for a minute before you pour the drink into cups. Enjoy the fantastic taste and aroma of classic Italian coffee.
  2. Those gourmets who believe the traditional recipe is too simple can find new possibilities for an excellent drink at the expense of holding to the traditional preparation. For example, you can try making Italian coffee while replacing milk with ice cream. Combine the freshly prepared espresso with amaretto liquor in a 40 ml to 20 ml proportion, spooning a soft coffee cream on top, and all sprinkled with grated chocolate granules and coriander. An ordinary espresso combined with new ingredients can give a pleasantly surprising taste. Do not be afraid to dream!
  3. Some coffee drinkers are ready to “give half of my kingdom” not for piping hot, but for cold Italian coffee. Here’s another secret. Prepare a drink paired with chocolate – 20 grams per cup of strong espresso. Melt the chocolate in water and pour in the boiling coffee just a second before it boils. Wait one minute and remove the mixture from the heat, the smell is intoxicating. Let it cool before drinking, then fill a tall glass halfway up. The second half is filled with ice cubes. Sugar and cream for a cold Italian coffee are served separately.
  4. A very important moment in the process of making coffee is the choice of water. Ideally, you would use soft water with the smallest possible lime content. If you find the water in London and other UK regions painful, do not make common mistakes in preparation that will exacerbate this problem – do not use warm or hot water to accelerate the process, you only want cold.
  5. Another tip that can help you prepare a luxury coffee is how you store it after use. Having opened a pack of Lavazza coffee and placed it in an airtight sealable container, place it as far away as possible from any products with distinct odors. Coffee absorbs these odors like a sponge, which negatively impacts its taste and aromatic qualities. And do not forget the last tip – for whatever receptacle you brewed your coffee with, do not wash it with scented cleaning products that can destroy the subtle nuances of the flavor of your drink.

A high-quality product is waiting for you in each package of Lavazza coffee. No matter how you make it – in a specific way in a coffee pot or with a french press, the result will always match and sometimes even exceed your expectations. It’s no wonder the Lavazza brand’s name is virtually synonymous with Italian espresso.

The Lavazza espresso coffee machine is a great choice for those who want to enjoy a delicious cup of espresso at home. This machine is easy to use and produces a rich, flavorful cup of coffee. It also has a steamer wand that lets you froth milk for lattes and cappuccinos.

Lavazza Coffee Review

If you’re looking for a delicious, full-flavored coffee, Lavazza is a great option. The coffee beans are roasted perfectly, resulting in a rich, robust flavor that is sure to please. So whether you enjoy your coffee black or with milk and sugar, Lavazza is sure to satisfy you.

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